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Badia yerba mate tea bags. Pack of 10 bags

Badia yerba mate tea bags. Pack of 10 bags
Code: BAD00768
Price: $2.00
Shipping Weight: 1.00 pounds
Spanish Description: Te de Yerba mate. Estas hierbas tradicionales se toman de un arbusto que crece en las montañas de Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile y Brasil. Los indios de la region una vez que masticaba las hojas cuando tenian que hacer viajes largos, ya que descubrieron que ayudaba a combatir la fatiga y el hambre. Es un antioxidante, diuretico y digestivo optimiza la absorcion del cuerpo.
Quantity in Basket: None

Mate Tea Yerba Mate Tea. This traditional herbs leaves are taken from a bush that grows in the mountains of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil. The Indians of the region once chewed the leaves when they had to make long journeys because they found it helped fight fatigue and hunger. It is an anti-oxidant, diuretic digestive and optimizes the body's absorption


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